Christine Porter  |  Jewelry

Chris Porter has been working in the visual arts all her life starting when she begged for her very own canvas as her father worked in his studio. “I still have those first three paintings and look back at the time I knew I wanted to be just like my dad, an artist,” Chris reminisces. She has followed her dream ever since, starting with oils and getting her hands dirty with every other medium through the years.

For many years Chris worked in the graphics field and later became involved in the fiber arts when she had the opportunity to work with interior designers. More recently she has found the joy of working with metal and is applying her years of designing into production of jewelry and various whimsical visual pieces. “It is a great feeling to make something that others want to include in their personal space and enjoy. My art then becomes part of another person’s image, how cool is that?”

Having a comfort level with many mediums, Chris enjoys working with a mixed palette where anything is possible. Trying something new with metal is always around the corner. “It is never boring up here,” Chris says as she taps her head. “I can’t wait to see what’s next. I am always learning something new... it is just one experiment after another. What could be more fun?” Chris has been able to follow the path her father modeled and got her wish to be just like her dad, an artist!